Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Psychiatric disorder, psychic condition and altered state of consciousness.

                                  Are there differences between psychiatric disorders and psychic condition? Are you sure?  - I want a dollar every time someone asks me that and fifty cents more, if the following “Have you seen it for yourself?”  comes after
Here you have:
Psychiatric disorder - person shows incapability of social interaction like friendship and/or intimate relationships.  One tries to establish these relations, but with a lot of difficulties and suffering, for both sides. This behavior usually comes at very young age, but some disturbs like bipolar disorder, usually shows its firsts signals after thirty years old.
Psychic condition - person has ability to interact socially, has capacity of maintain relations, including intimate .
Psychiatric disorder - person has no coherency in thoughts, and no linearity in stories (I don’t know which day, but I saw the sky, ducks are disgusting, my legs hurt, I found food in the grass” …).
Psychic condition -   person has memories coherently and can establish linearity in facts (“this Wednesday morning was sunny and we had a picnic, after a long walk, and” …).
Psychiatric disorder – person has cathartic episodes (don’t talk, don’t move, eyes fixed nowhere) aggressive and/or manipulative behavior and/or repetitive patterns like hitting the head in the wall. These episodes are unpredictable and do not allow normal social interactions.
Psychic condition -   person can establish cooperation into any situation and is able to talk about experiences, any kind of. 
Psychiatric disorder - person can´t distinguish between internal from external experiences.  Guilty is projected excessively.
Psychic condition - person is conscious of what is internal experience or external.  Person can tell what was dream and what was ‘real’ (as we conceive it).  Guiltiness is shared ( we did it, not you did it).I am even capable of say “f#ck this sh#t” often…
Psychiatric disorder - person sees the world and all people as potential danger and has delirium of persecution, including internal voices that always speak about unpleasant and sinister things.
Psychic condition - person don´t have delirium of any kind and is not suspicious about people (exception made to exes and politicians). We heard voices, a lot of them, but we end the day without freaking out…most of time.
Psychiatric disorder – person has auto destructive impulses, even suicidal ones. Person can hurt themselves or others in episodes with no apparent reason to be.
Psychic condition – person observes rules to not injure themselves or others and, having auto destructive or suicidal ideas (remember: everybody has the ‘right of five minutes’ every day to feel whatever we humans can feel), is able to talk about them and accept cautious advices.
Psychiatric disorder - person has behaviors, in cycles or continually, of neglect health care, refusing to drink water and/or eat and to follow basic hygiene rules.
Psychic condition -   person can forget to take a shower after walk for 20 miles, but it will last as long as she stops and smell her shirt. Person eats, drinks, but can do diet if it pleases, as regular people do.

Psychiatric disorder – clinical and laboratorial tests will detect physical disorder that can cause, principally at brain chemical functions, psychological changes.
Psychic condition – nothing like that, nope. You do want that somebody finding something wrong in you that will go away with some pills and everything gets back to normal. But no, you are perfect, maybe a little gastritis, low blood pressure and low sugar levels. 
Psychiatric disorder -   psychological tests shows organic debilitation of brain, debilitation of intellect and memory , also problems of communication,  speech problems and basic time orientation ( What day is it? What time?)
Psychic condition - if you don´t ask things to a psychic during hangover or when he/she craving for coffee, person will be able to say day , date, time and most of things you ask,
                                 There is something important to mention:  real psychiatric disorders are those that can be ‘physically’ identified, as schizophrenia. Psychosis is not an absolute term in psychiatry. It’s still not well defined. It´s every abnormal behavior that includes paranoia, hostile acoustic hallucination and persecution delirium. Although many people don´t know, infections, intoxications, metabolic disorders, tumors, circulatory disorders and some degenerative diseases are possible primary causes of psychiatric disorders.
Another thing is: in our society, where social rules are in such a huge transformation, still, it´s hard to say what is ‘normal’.
                                 Now, altered state of consciousness applies to such a vast attitude an human can produce. It confuses people that just want simple answers. It goes from an experience with hallucinogens drugs, privation of sleep, through what some men use as juridical term after killing their wives, until exaltation seen commonly in religious ceremonies. By the way, schizophrenic people can go into altered states of consciousness ‘spontaneously’ (there is always a trigger that causes it), or do a bad choice getting some ecstasy in one party and  going into another kind of altered state. Psychics might never have had one spontaneous episode while others might have it frequently. They can use drugs, although paying a high physical cost doing it. Psychic condition by itself doesn't mean altered state of consciousness.
                              How to know the difference?  Psychics with training can recognize the ‘spots’ on non-trained psychics. If you see that one or more things described above (in the side of "disorder") are happening to you or to someone in your responsibility, always look for professional help to have, or not, a diagnosis. And then another problem: a doctor is trained based on what he studied.  Conventional or not.  In this case, best is to find a psychiatrist or psychologist that is trained in what is commonly known as ‘transpersonal’ therapy. From all studies I have been in contact in Occident, the work of Dr. Stalislav Grof and his wife Christina is the most efficient of non religious practices . I saw other works, but Dr. Grof scope is the one that goes deeper, again, in an Occidental way. They can give a real diagnosis and support to both physical and psychological aspects, being a psychiatric disorder and/ or psychic condition.
If you find out that you are a psychic, welcome to the non-select group of those who see dead people! If psychiatric disorders are discarded and dead people are still staring at you, be calm. It´s possible, I repeat, to be psychic and happy giving some effort to the training you will need. Look to the bright side! It´s a whole new world, more wide, more species involved, more dimensions, more rules, less time to rest, time travelling jet lag, more “bosses”… isn´t that great or what?