Saturday, December 3, 2011

Psychics that can see diseases

It is well known that humans believe in what they want,  no matter if the fact in question is already  proved. There is another true thing: what we don´t (can´t or want to) see doesn´t mean that it´s not there. Classic example is the proof of the existence of microscopical life: virus, bacteria, etc.  People that believed it existed  could ,finally, name it, and people that didn´t believe, even  with a microscope in front of their eyes, kept  not  believing,  as before,  saying  all sort of excuses to not believe on what they were seeing (this is not real, this is a fake, this is Satan work, whatever). Finally, after two generations learning microscopic life in schools, people started to believe it. Most of them because everybody said it was true. The ability to see the insides of human body ,without technological help, is the same. One day this will be normal, even easy to understand.
One of the ‘gifts’ a psychic can born with is the vision. Some can see past and/ or future, others can see dead people of all sorts and there you have those psychics that can see diseases. As one disgrace is not fun, you can be a psychic and have all  three visions.
                   What means to see diseases? Well, you can see the future and see that this person is going to be in a hospital with a strong pneumonia.  But the vision that permits one to really see diseases is the capability to see through the physical body.  Like an MRI, the psychic with this vision can see your body functions in all levels. This vision goes not only thru your physical body, but to all seven bodies, or aura, as commonly named. This is where the confusion begins.
In one of the rare times I watch television, I saw a program talking about psychics with this ability. One of the examples was a Russian teenager girl. People decided to bring her to U.S.A to test her capacities. She went to a laboratory that claimed to give her the ‘title’ of psychic vision. Fool of them, ´cause they were scientists of many sciences but one: none of them were a psychic. They couldn´t give titles of something they don´t experience. People can´t say to a turtle if its shell is good if they are not a turtle.  Anyway, they tested the sweet girl.
In front of her, a group of people with different diseases where standing up and she had to say what was , if was, the disease they had. She did as told, and the scientists said that she was wrong in half of them. The worst was a guy who had a brain surgery to take part of it with a malignant tumor the size of an orange. She said he was fine. She was right, but it was the wrong answer to this nice scientist and the girl went home sad. She stopped to help people, that really needed, just because scientists of America couldn´t understand how it really works to a true Russian psychic (they are normally of strong level).
Now some ‘light’ over this matter:  are you a specialist in old automobile? Are you a person who just giving a  glance to a motor 1943 can say what is wrong? Is it possible to enjoy old cars, to have it as a passion, and to don´t understand a thing of the mechanic part? Other person can love old cars, have two or three 1923 Ford, understand what is a transmission, carburetor system, alternator, and not be able to fix them, but to know who is. What about a person that owns a Fairlane 1948, obsessed by old mobiles and not only understand it, but is the best mechanic of the state? All is possible. This is the same with the psychic vision.What is the difference with a psychic with a gift? Every specialist born with a gift for his, her, area,and psychics born with a gift, better saying, condition, and they are not obliged to use it, even to know how to use it,although was desirable that all psychics with this vision could learnhow to use it. 
A psychic child can see a tumor into a person´s body and say: “Mom, why that man has a dark red orange on his belly?” Is this child wrong? No. She is expressing herself the best way she can. Now a teenager sees something and has some biology classes to understand a bit of what is seeing. That Russian girl did well, she draw what she saw on a paper, with color, and said to a man to run to a hospital, ´cause it was killing him'. The doctor that assisted him saw the drawing and did a test for tuberculosis, he had a rare case of and was about to have a major hemorrhage. She had drawn the tuberculosis bacillus and didn´t know that.
There is another thing not mentioned to ‘normal’ people: Universe has a perfect working justice. We may blame God because of our suffering and life injustices. It´s true that to our human eyes, the creation is unfair. When you start to seek   the answers of your questions, you see that there is a natural, perfect and beautiful justice serving this and other Universes. Under this perfect balance, psychics will see what they have PERMISSION to see. Sometimes, they will see and have no permission to talk about. That girl could have had no permission to see and talk about what some people on that group had.
Then you have the   problem with the many ‘bodies’ a human have. Sometimes a non trained psychic sees a disease that is in the first body before the physical one. When a disease of any kind comes to the physical body it has started long before (sometimes 20, 30 years) in one of the spiritual levels. The first spiritual body looks so much the physical one that a psychic can talk about a disease that will yet not be detected on our clinical tests. When the ‘disruption of health’   comes to this last spiritual body, the disease will come to the physical at this life or in the next. This is why children can born with illnesses.
So, the psychic vision can be wonderful , if you study human biology, have a good communication with your entities, and keep in mind that you are not a doctor (if you don´t have the degree) but you can give direction to people that are lost in the many causes and effects of life. 
                                      Now,let me tell you something, but don´t run  to buy yourself nice underwear , ´cause it´s not going to make any difference: our `monkey suits` are just for our eyes, as entities, angels, devils, and everybody that is in the Other Side (and some psychics)  see us the way we born,naturally naked! Nice, isn´t it?